What is fluid connective tissue explain their types in detail?

Published on 29-Jun-2022

Connective tissue is the tissue in the animal body that occupies the gaps and keeps the organs together. It lies under the skin, encircles nerves and tissues, connects bones and muscles, and retains fat in its cells.

Fluid connective tissue: 

This tissue's matrix is liquid, and the cells float in it. It is transported around the body at all times. There are two kinds of these tissues: a. blood and b. lymph.

 (a) Blood: 

Blood is a type of connective tissue that is in the form of a substance. It has an alkaline and salty flavor. Blood vessels transport it. Plasma is the name of the matrix. Plasma is 91%-92 percent water, with the remaining 8%-9% made up of organic and inorganic materials such as portions, lipids, caffeine, cholesterol, and carbonate/bicarbonate/chloride of calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium, among others.

Blood Functions: 

Nutrients, water, carbohydrates, hormones, and other secretion and excretory products are transported.

They are divided into three categories: 

  1. Red blood corpuscles (RBC) 2. White blood corpuscles (WBC) and 3. Thrombocytes (Thrombocytes).

1. Red blood corpuscles (RBC): 

Erythrocytes are another name for these cells. RBCs are almost circular or oval. In mammalian RBC, there is no nucleus, and the entire cytoplasm is packed with a special protein called hemoglobin. The color of hemoglobin in red. The amount (quantity) of RBC in a human being is approximately 5 million per milliliter of blood (1 cubic milliliter). The number varies and is determined by the body's physiological state. In the case of females, it is 4.5 million/ml3 and in the case of children, it is 6-7 million/ml3. An RBC has a lifespan of 120 days. The aim is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the cells.

2. White blood corpuscles (WBC):

White blood corpuscles are whitish or colorless blood cells. This comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. These come in a variety of sizes and forms, and their functions vary as well. There are very few (for every 700 RBC, there is 1 (one) WBC), but they are very large in scale. These are nucleated and only live for a limited time. WBC double as body guardians and destroy germs. It makes antibodies and secretes histamine, heparin, and other substances.

 3. Thrombocytes: 

The blood contains a considerable number of biconvex and oval-shaped cells, as well as membrane-bound cell fragments. Thrombocytes, or blood platelets, are what they're called. Among rodents, they are nonnucleated, but in other vertebrates, they are nucleated. Their number per ml3 varies between 2,50,000 and 4,50,000. These are capable of surviving for 5 to 9 days. These are the most significant factors in preventing blood from clotting in a wound and, as a result, swelling or unnecessary bleeding.

 (b) Lymph:

Lymph is a colorless fluid that circulates in vertebrates' tissue spaces and enters the venous system through the tubular lymphatic system. It is located free in the body's serous sac cavities, such as the peritoneum and pleura. It contains salts and proteins that are similar to those found in blood plasma but in reduced amounts, such as fibrinogen, serum albumin, and serum globulin. It also includes colorless lymph corpuscles, which are similar to white blood corpuscles that are formed from glands.


The purpose of lymph is to provide nourishment to tissue cells while also returning waste and other toxic materials to the bloodstream through lymphatic vessels or directly into the bloodstream through capillary walls. Scrotal lymph nodes are lymph nodes found in various parts of the body that regulate lymph flow. Lymphs transport nutrients and oxygen to tissues while still producing antibodies.

Difference between Epithelial and Connective Tissue

Epithelial tissue 

1. Epithelial tissue is the tissue that makes up the body's outer lining or some internal organ.

2. There are a greater number of cells.

3. There is little/very little intercellular space and no matrix.

4. Cells may be arranged in one or more layers. 

Connective tissue

1. Connective tissue is the tissue that covers the gaps and keeps the organs together in the animal body.

2. There are a limited number of cells.

3. There are large intercellular spaces that are packed with the matrix.

4. The cells are randomly dispersed in the matrix.


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