gene - basic unit of heredity; codes for a specific trait. locus - the specific location of a gene on a chromosome (locus - plural loci) genome - the total hereditary endowment of DNA of a cell or organism. somatic cell - all body cells except reproductive cells. gamete - reproductive cells (i.e. sperm & eggs). chromosome - elongate cellular structure composed of DNA and protein - this is where DNA is found. diploid (2n) - cellular condition where each chromosome type is represented by two homologous chromosomes. haploid (n) - cellular condition where each chromosome type is represented by only one chromosome. homologous chromosome - chromosome of the same size and shape which carry the same type of genes. chromatid - one of two duplicated chromosomes connected at the centromere. centromere - region of chromosome where microtubules attach during mitosis and meiosis.

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