Hormones are the biochemical substances that are secreted by the endocrine gland and are released to the blood which carries them to the target organs. Pituitary Gland: It greatly influences other organs in the body, and its function is vital to the overall well-being of a person.
The pituitary gland produces several hormones. -Growth hormone: This hormone promotes growth in childhood. For adults, it helps to maintain healthy muscle and bone mass. Thyroid stimulating hormone: this hormone helps to regulate the body's thyroid. It controls the body's metabolic rate. It triggers the thyroid gland to release thyroxine. -Luteinizing hormone: In women, this hormone regulates estrogen. In men, it regulates testosterone.
This hormone turns follicle cells to corpus luteum. It maintains progesterone level in the blood. Stimulates ovulation in female. -Follicle-stimulating hormone: Found in both men and women. It stimulates the releasing of eggs in women and helps ensure the normal function of sperm production in men. It triggers follicle cells of the ovary to release the hormone oestrogen. As a result Oestrogen level in the blood is maintained.
The back part of the pituitary gland is called the posterior pituitary. It produces the following two hormones: -Antidiuretic hormone : this hormone helps to regulate water balance in the body. It increases the permeability of nephron tubules for water from filtrate glomerulas. When the pituitary gland doesn't operate in a healthy manner, this can lead to pituitary disorders.
Testes: Found in men, this gland produces testosterone, which promotes the growth of the penis as a male gets older as well as facial and body hair. It also deepens the voice of a male at a certain age. Other functions of testosterone include: - Maintaining sex drive - Promoting production of sperm - Maintaining healthy levels of muscle and bone mass Ovaries: Found in women, this gland produces both oestrogen and progesterone, which promote the development of breasts.
They also help a woman maintain healthy menstrual periods. Thyroid Found in both women and men, the thyroid controls a person's metabolism. It is located in the front of the neck. Adrenal Glands
This gland helps to control blood sugar. In addition, also helps your body do the following: - Promoting proper cardiovascular function - Properly utilizing carbohydrates and fats - stimulates protein synthesis - inreases uptake of glucose by the muscle cells from the blood - adjust the body of stress,far,fight stimulation by increasing heart beat,breathing rate, etc. Pancreas:
The main function of the pancreas is to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It is a large gland located behind the stomach. Glucagon: converts glycogen to glucose in the liver. Regulates blood sugar level in hyperglycemia condition.
I am a student of Shahjalal University Of Science And Technology.I completd my graduation in B.Sc in Engineering in Computer Science and Technology with CGPA 3.78 out of (4.00).I would like to t.......
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