Plants make glucose by the process photosynthesis which is then later used in respiration to provide the plant's cells with energy. Glucose is a form of carbohydrate. There are other types which harg various uses in plants. Plant cells can convert glucose into other sugars.
Carbohydrates are three types: monosaccharides, having one sugar unit; disaccharides, having two sugar units; and polysaccharides, having many sugar units. Among the most important monosaccharides are glucose (found in plants and animals), fructose (a fruit sugar), and galactose (formed from the milk sugar lactose). Glucose is especially important in vital life processes. Each of these simple sugars is made up of the same number and types of atoms, arranged differently.
Disaccharides are carbohydrates composed of two subunits of simple sugars. They include sucrose, maltose, and lactose. Sucrose is the main sugar carried in the phloem. Fructose is found in fruits. Polysaccharides are the most abundant carbohydrates. A polysaccharide molecule can contain thousands of glucose units.
These highly complex carbohydrates include starches, cellulose, and glycogen. Starch is the usual form in which carbohydrates are stored as energy by plants. Plants can split starch into its simpler glucose units for use as energy when needed. Cellulose is known as a structural carbohydrate because of the fibers formed by its molecules. It is the major component of plant.
They form whe cell wall in plants that provides support to the plants and maintains its turgidity. Plant cells can also convert glucose into lipids which are needed for the membrane of all cells and energy store in many seeds and fruits. Proteins and DNA are made using glucose. Also it aids in chlorophyll formation.
I am a student of Shahjalal University Of Science And Technology.I completd my graduation in B.Sc in Engineering in Computer Science and Technology with CGPA 3.78 out of (4.00).I would like to t.......
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