Shock is a disorder that result from systemic hypoperfusion due to reduction either in cardiac output or in the effective circulating blood volume.Common causes of shock are profuse heamorrhage,large myocardial infarction,severe diarrhoea,severe vomiting,burns,trauma,sepsis and pulmonary embolism. Due to hypoperfusion there is less supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissue and inadequate removal of metabolites.
Types of shock: 1)Cardiogenic shock. 2)Hypovolumic shock. 3) Septic shock 4)Anaphylactic shock. 5)Neurogenic shock.
.Cardiogenic shock: Cardiogenic shock is caused by any form of severe heart failure.Other causes are myocardial infarction,arrythmia,suddenmitral regurgitation,rupture of heart,cardiac temponade. Hypovolumic shock: Hypovolumic shock is due to any condition that leads to a major reduction in blood volume.Hypovolumic shock is due to loss of blood,plasma or fluid.Causes are: Haemorrhagic shock. Traumatic shock. Severe burn. Severe diarrhoea. Severe vomiting etc.
Septic shock: Is caused by systemic microbial infection and is due to peripheral vesodilation and pooling of blood.Septic shock results mostly in overwhelming microbial infection usually from spread and expantion from an initially localized infection. 1) Endotoxin which is produced by gram negative bacteria. 2)Gram positive septicaemia. 3)Meningococcal septicaemia. 4)Superantigen. 5)Fungal sepsis Anaphylactic shock: It occurs in systemic type I,Ig E mediated hypersensitivity reaction.There is systemic vesodilatation and increase vascular permeability. Neurogenic shock: It occurs due to anaesthetic or spinal cord injury and is due to massive peripheral vesodilatetion.
I am a student of Shahjalal University Of Science And Technology.I completd my graduation in B.Sc in Engineering in Computer Science and Technology with CGPA 3.78 out of (4.00).I would like to t.......
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