There is immunologically mediated hyperthyroidism secondary to hyperfunctioning diffuse goiter. Clinically traid of features: (1)Thyrotoxicosis related to diffuse toxic goiter. (2)Infiltrative opthalmology. (3)Localized infiltrative dermopathy sometimes called pretibial myxoedema,which is present in minority of patient. Pathogenesis: It is an autoimmune disease.IgG autoantibodies against domains of plasma membrane receptor for THS.It is thought that the basic defect is genetic in the form of deficiency in antigen-specific suppressor T cells.Autoantibodies TSI and TGI are produced leading to hyperactivity and growth of the gland.Opthalmopathy is autoimmune in origin. Morphology: The thyroid gland shows symmetrical mild enlargement.Histologically,widespread hypertrophyand hyperplasia of follicular epithelium.Colloid is decreased.Blood vessels are increased.Lymphoid tissues shows hyperplasia. Laboratory findings: Tri-idothyronine and thyroxine are increased and thyroid stimulating hormone is decreased.

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