Scurvy is a condition which occurs due to vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is essential for hydroxylation of lysin and proline for the formation of collagen. Its deficiency leads to faulty collagen tissue synthesis in bones,cartilages and teeth. In addition,the intercellular substance of capillaries also become defective often leading to bleeding. Clinical menifestation: The peak incidence is at 6-12 months of age. Presenting symptoms include- *Vague irritability and loss of appetite. *The baby cries on handling e.g dressing,bathing etc. *Generalized tenderness especially in legs resulting in pseudo-paralysis and legs assume typical frog position. *Bluish purple,spongy swelling of gum mucosa is seen when teeth are erupted. *Sharp painful scorbutic rosary is palpable at costochondral junction and depression of sternum. *Peri-follicular haemorrhage,petechial haemorrhage,echymosis of extremities,haemorrhage may be found. *Delay in wound healing. Differential diagnosis: Leukaemia,osteomyelitis,suppurative arthritis etc. Treatment: *Oral Vit C 200 mg daily for several weeks. The administration 3-4 ounces of tomato or orange juice are equally effective. *After scurvy has been cured 35-50 mg of vitamin C should be taken daily in form of drug or diet. Prevention: Encouraging intake of vitamin C rich diet, e.g citrous fruits like guava,amloki,tomato,orange. etc. And green leafy vegetables.

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