
Human physiology,that is explained by the specific charecteristics and mechanisms of human body tha t make it a living being.The basic living unit of the body is the cell.Each organ is made by the different types of cell,held together and support the internal structure.

The internal environment of our body which is subdivided by intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid.Fluid is inside the cell is called intracellular fluid and fluid outside the cell is known as extracellular fluid.This fluid contains large amount of sodium,chloride,bicarbonate,oxygen, glucose,fatty acid,potassium,magnesium,phosphate etc.

Special mechanism for transporting ions through the cell membranes maintain the ion concentration differences between the extracellular and intracellular fluids.The nutriens of the extracellular fluid originated from the respiratory system,gastrointestinal system,hepatobiliary system,musculoskeletal system and others sources.

Our body function is regulated by nervous system and hormonal system.The brain can store information,generate thoughts,creat ambition,and determine reactions that thebody performs in respons to the sensation.And the hormonal system,hormons are transported in the extracellular fluid to all parts of the body to help regulate cellular function.For example,insulin hormon control glucose metabolism.

Not only regulation but also our body is protected by immune system which is composed of white blood cells,tissue cells,the thymus,lymph node,lymph vessels that protect the body from pathogens such as bacteria,viruses,parasites and fungi.

The human body also has thousands ofcontrol systems.For instant,the respirotary system,regulates the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the extracellular fluid.

The body is actually a social order of about 100 trillion cells organized into different functional structure and each functional structure contributes its share to the maintenance of homeostatic condition.

As long as normal conditions are maintained in this internal environment.This reciprocal interply provides provides continous automaticiti of the body until one or more functional system lose their ability to contribute their share of function,all the cells of the body ssuffer which leads to sickness and extreme dysfunction leads to death.

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