Diabetes mellitus which is a clinical syndrome occurs due to lack of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that secret from pancrease .It uptake blood glucose from circulation and maintain the normal blood glucose level.
In human body normal blood glucose level is 3.5-6.5 mmol/l but when there is insulin deficiency due to some disease condition,insulin dysfunction arises and blood glucose level become above normal thats why 7.8-11.0 mmol/l.
There are 2 types of diabetes mellitus. 1)type-1 2)type-2 Type-1 is usually immune mediated and occurs the age between 20-30 years of old. Type-2 diabetes mellitus occurs about the age of more than 40 years.It occurs due to pancreatic disease,genetic defect of insulin action,drug induced or other viral infectin.
Diabetes mellitus is not a curable disease.Many complications are arises from this condition: •impaired vision •Renal failure •sensory loss •motor weakness •gastro intestinal problem •myocardial infarction •stroke etc So management of diabetes mellitus is so needed to control .
Tree methods are available for diabetic patients:diet and lifestyle modification,oral antidiabetogenic drugs and insulin. Diabetes is complex disorder which progress in severity with time,so peoplewith diabetesshould be seen at regular intervalsfor the remainainder of their lives,either at a specialist diabetic clinic or in a primary car where facilities are available and stuff are trained in diabetic care.A checklist: √Body weight √Urinalysis √Glycaemic control √Blood pressure √Hypoglycaemic episodes √Eye,limb and feet examination.
I am a student of Shahjalal University Of Science And Technology.I completd my graduation in B.Sc in Engineering in Computer Science and Technology with CGPA 3.78 out of (4.00).I would like to t.......
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