The reproductive organs in female are those which are concerned with copultion,fertilization,growth,and development of the fetus and it subsequent exit to the outer world. The female reproductive organs are broadly divided into:
1)External genitalia
2)Internal genitalia and
3)The breast
1)External genitalia:
•Mons pubis •Labia majora •Labia minora •Clitoris •Vestibule•Vestibular bulb •perineum.
2)Internal genitalia:
•Vagina •Uterus•Fellopian tubes •Ovaries.
Vagina:The vagina is a fibromusculo-membranous sheath communicating the uterine cavity with the exterior at the vulva. √Direction:upwards and backwards forming an angle of 45°. √Diameter:2.5 cm √Wall: An anterior,a posterior and two lateral walls.Anterior wall is about 7 cm and posterior wall is about 9 cm.
Uterus:The uterus is a hollow pyriform muscular organ situatedin the pelvis between the bladder and the rectum behind. Position: normal position is anteversion and anteflexion Measurement:It is about 8 cm long & 5 cm wide at the fundus and its wall are about 1.25 cm thick.
Parts:It has got 3 parts: 1)body 2)Isthmus 3)Cervix
Structure: The wall consists of 3 layrs from outside to inwards:
Cervix: It is the lowermost part of the uterus which extends from the histological internal os and ends at external os which into the vagina after perforating the anterior vaginal wall. Length:2.5 cm Parts: *Supravaginal part *Vaginal part
Fallopian tube:The fellopian tube are two tortous ducts which from the ovaries to the cornue of the uterus one on each side. •Length:10 cm •Situation: Each lies in the free upper border of the broad ligament of the uterus. •Extension:Its lumen communicates with the uterine cavity at its inner endand with the peritoneal cavity at its outer end.
Parts: > interstitial or intramural part. >Isthmus >Ampulla >Infundibulam Structure: •Serous layer •Mucosal layer •Submucosal layer • Mucosa
Ovary:There are 2 in numberThe female gamets called oocyte are formed in them.
Sructure of ovary:The ovaries have two zones: 1) Cortex:The cortex is covered with germinal epithelium which consists of a single layer of low cuboidal cells but is only seen in earlier life.Later the ovary is coated only by the connective tissue tunica albuginia. 2)Medulla:The medulla consists of blood vessels and nervs with a loosely packed fibrous stroma.
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