Cloud computing has become very popular among these modern computer technologies. Google uses cloud computing for almost every purpose - google photos, Gmail, google drive, google documents. Presently, Microsoft and IBM are linked to the Cloud service. Google has its cloud service, known as Google Cloud.
Cloud Computing Basics
Cloud computing is the delivery of a service through a computer network (particularly the internet) employing computer resources such as hardware and software, network devices, and so forth. Cloud computing is a business model or specialized service developed utilizing various technologies rather than a single technology.
Cloud computing is a paid service that a cloud computing company provides to its buyer. Cloud computing delivers or rents various resources, such as networks, servers, storage, applications, and services, at the customer's convenience and according to demand.
How Does Cloud Computing Work?
Cloud computing system control and maintenance can be done automatically at different stages. For example, storage processing, network bandwidth, user account, etc., can be done quickly and automatically. The work of additional resources, capacity, and utilization can be monitored and controlled by both the service provider and the user.
Cloud computing is a software architecture built on applications that saves data on remote servers accessed through the internet. The front-end and back-end of cloud computing may be separated to understand better how it works.
Any user can use an internet browser or cloud computing software to access data stored in the cloud via the front end. The back-end is the more critical part of cloud computing since it is responsible for securely keeping data and information. Servers, computers, databases, and central servers are every part of it.
Cloud computing service
They are classified into numerous categories based on their services to businesses, such as storage, network, and software.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):
Computing service architecture adds the basic infrastructure of virtual servers, networks, and data storage disks. It gives the flexibility, reliability, and scalability that many businesses desire from the cloud while also eliminating hardware.
Platform as a service:
Cloud computing providers provide the infrastructure and software foundation, but enterprises can design and run their applications. PaaS allows users to construct web browsers fast and efficiently, and the service is versatile and reliable enough to support them. Its solutions are scalable, making them excellent for businesses with several developers working on a single project. This is also useful when a pre-existing data source must be used. Examples are PaaS services from Google's App Engine and Microsoft's Azure.
SaaS (Software as a Service):
This is a valuable tool for CRM and applications that need a lot of web or mobile access, like mobile sales management software. SaaS is suitable for short-term initiatives since it is controlled from a single place, allowing organizations to focus on their core competencies. Google Docs provides all of the features of Microsoft Office, including document, spreadsheet, and presentation creation.
Storage as a service:
Here is the facility to store some data. This service is more helpful. We can store any data. Google Images serves primarily as cloud storage for photos, while Google Drive acts as cloud storage for files.
The model of cloud computing can be divided into four parts.
Public cloud:
- The cost here is relatively low or free. There is a lot less security here; many people use it.
Private cloud:
- In many situations, the price might be significantly more. Larger businesses will purchase an entire cloud and utilize it for various reasons.
Community cloud:
Only firm employees have access to the cloud system in this scenario. They may now work for the firm from any place or at home due to the ease of working from home.
Hybrid cloud:
It combines a community cloud, public cloud, and private cloud. This type of cloud is employed for a variety of purposes.
Cloud Computing Prerequisites:
-Familiarity with Operating Systems.
-Understanding of Virtualization.
-Basics of Networking.
-Programming Skills.
-Familiarity with Databases.
-Basics of Security and Privacy.
-Knowledge of Agile Development.
The career of cloud computing:
To meet the demands of an ever-growing customer base, these service providers seek out experienced and educated cloud computing experts and compensate them well in exchange for their services. Here are some reasons why Cloud Computing is an intelligent career choice.
Advantages of cloud computing:
One of the most advantages of cloud computing is data security. Cloud computing has several advanced security mechanisms that assure data is stored and handled safely. Minimize both software and hardware maintenance costs for organizations. Cloud computing is an excellent service.
Using an internet connection, we may swiftly and conveniently access and store information anywhere in the globe, at any moment. Assuring that our data is always available, an internet cloud architecture improves productivity and efficiency. The data is stored in the cloud, and it is easy to get back up and restore that data using the cloud.
Disadvantages of cloud computing:
The most significant disadvantage of cloud computing is downtime. We're not talking about a server outage but rather a loss of Internet connection. You can't use the cloud unless your Internet connection is restored.
-Theft or loss of data
-Leakage of information.
-Hijacking of an account or a service.
-APIs and interfaces that aren't secure.
-Dos attacks are a type of cyber-attack
-Vulnerabilities in technology, particularly in shared contexts server
Cloud-based solutions are not only lower demanding on hardware and software, but they are also simple to handle and support and more versatile and user-friend