Plant Cell
1. Cell wall is present
2. Usually the plant cell contains plastid.
3. A matured plant cell contains a single and large vacuole.
4. Plasma membrane does not contain micro-villi.
5. Reserve food is mainly starch.
6. Centrosome absent
7. Plant cells rarely contain lysosomes
8. Nucleus lies on the side of the cell
9. Centrioles absent in plant cells
10. Cilia and Filaments present
11. Plasmodesmata present
12. Have more Golgi bodies than an animal cell.
Animal Cell
1. Cell wall is absent.
2. Plastid is absent in an animal cell.
3. If a vacuole is present they are usually very minute and more than one in number.
4. It contains micro-villi.
5. Reserve food is mainly glycogen.
6. Centrosome present
7. Animal cells have lysosomes
8. Nucleus position at the center of the cell.
9. Centrioles present
10. Cilia and Filaments Absent
11. Plasmodesmata Absent
12. Have fewer Golgi bodies.