Periodic Table of Elements
A periodic table defines as a tabular arrangement of chemical elements. It is one of the most prominent parts of chemistry. List of chemical elements are ordered in atomic number order. Typically the elements are placed in rows and columns
The periodic table is known as an icon of chemistry. Another name for a periodic table is the periodic table of elements. It contains all the elements, their symbols, names, atomic number, mass numbers, electrons, and oxidation states, visualize trends, 3D orbitals, isotopes, unique chemical properties, mixed compounds, etc. A periodic table is widely used in chemistry, physics, and other sciences.
Importance of periodic table of elements
- It is an organized arrangement of all the 118 known chemical elements, keeping all the elements and their important properties together.
- A periodic table of elements is helpful for students, professional chemists, and scientists. Scientists can quickly discern the properties of individual components.
- They can know their mass, electron number, configuration, and unique chemical properties.
- It makes a very important tool for chemists, nanotechnologists, and other scientists.
- If you understand the periodic table and learn to use it, you'll be able to predict how chemicals will behave.
How many elements are on the periodic table?
Answer: 118
The names and symbles of the elements are given below.
Atomic |
Symbol |
Name |
Atomic Mass |
1 |
H |
Hydrogen |
1.00797 |
2 |
He |
Helium |
4.00260 |
3 |
Li |
Lithium |
6.941 |
4 |
Be |
Beryllium |
9.01218 |
5 |
B |
Boron |
10.81 |
6 |
C |
Carbon |
12.011 |
7 |
N |
Nitrogen |
14.0067 |
8 |
O |
Oxygen |
15.9994 |
9 |
F |
Fluorine |
18.998403 |
10 |
Ne |
Neon |
20.179 |
11 |
Na |
Sodium |
22.98977 |
12 |
Mg |
Magnesium |
24.305 |
13 |
Al |
Aluminum |
26.98154 |
14 |
Si |
Silicon |
28.0855 |
15 |
P |
Phosphorus |
30.97376 |
16 |
S |
Sulfur |
32.06 |
17 |
Cl |
Chlorine |
35.453 |
18 |
Ar |
Argon |
39.948 |
19 |
K |
Potassium |
39.0983 |
20 |
Ca |
Calcium |
40.08 |
21 |
Sc |
Scandium |
44.9559 |
22 |
Ti |
Titanium |
47.90 |
23 |
V |
Vanadium |
50.9415 |
24 |
Cr |
Chromium |
51.996 |
25 |
Mn |
Manganese |
54.9380 |
26 |
Fe |
Iron |
55.847 |
27 |
Co |
Cobalt |
58.9332 |
28 |
Ni |
Nickel |
58.70 |
29 |
Cu |
Copper |
63.546 |
30 |
Zn |
Zinc |
65.38 |
31 |
Ga |
Gallium |
69.72 |
32 |
Ge |
Germanium |
72.59 |
33 |
As |
Arsenic |
74.9216 |
34 |
Se |
Selenium |
78.96 |
35 |
Br |
Bromine |
79.904 |
36 |
Kr |
Krypton |
83.80 |
37 |
Rb |
Rubidium |
85.4678 |
38 |
Sr |
Strontium |
87.62 |
39 |
Y |
Yttrium |
88.9059 |
40 |
Zr |
Zirconium |
91.22 |
41 |
Nb |
Niobium |
92.9064 |
42 |
Mo |
Molybdenum |
95.94 |
43 |
Tc |
Technetium |
(98) |
44 |
Ru |
Ruthenium |
101.07 |
45 |
Rh |
Rhodium |
102.9055 |
46 |
Pd |
Palladium |
106.4 |
47 |
Ag |
Silver |
107.868 |
48 |
Cd |
Cadmium |
112.41 |
49 |
In |
Indium |
114.82 |
50 |
Sn |
Tin |
118.69 |
51 |
Sb |
Antimony |
121.75 |
52 |
Te |
Tellurium |
127.60 |
53 |
I |
Iodine |
126.9045 |
54 |
Xe |
Xenon |
131.30 |
55 |
Cs |
Cesium |
132.9054 |
56 |
Ba |
Barium |
137.33 |
57 |
La |
Lanthanum |
138.9055 |
58 |
Ce |
Cerium |
140.12 |
59 |
Pr |
Praseodymium |
140.9077 |
60 |
Nd |
Neodymium |
144.24 |
61 |
Pm |
Promethium |
(145) |
62 |
Sm |
Samarium |
150.4 |
63 |
Eu |
Europium |
151.96 |
64 |
Gd |
Gadolinium |
157.25 |
65 |
Tb |
Terbium |
158.9254 |
66 |
Dy |
Dysprosium |
162.50 |
67 |
Ho |
Holmium |
164.9304 |
68 |
Er |
Erbium |
167.26 |
69 |
Tm |
Thulium |
168.9342 |
70 |
Yb |
Ytterbium |
173.04 |
71 |
Lu |
Lutetium |
174.967 |
72 |
Hf |
Hafnium |
178.49 |
73 |
Ta |
Tantalum |
180.9479 |
74 |
W |
Tungsten |
183.85 |
75 |
Re |
Rhenium |
186.207 |
76 |
Os |
Osmium |
190.2 |
77 |
Ir |
Iridium |
192.22 |
78 |
Pt |
Platinum |
195.09 |
79 |
Au |
Gold |
196.9665 |
80 |
Hg |
Mercury |
200.59 |
81 |
Tl |
Thallium |
204.37 |
82 |
Pb |
Lead |
207.2 |
83 |
Bi |
Bismuth |
208.9804 |
84 |
Po |
Polonium |
(209) |
85 |
At |
Astatine |
(210) |
86 |
Rn |
Radon |
(222) |
87 |
Fr |
Francium |
(223) |
88 |
Ra |
Radium |
226.0254 |
89 |
Ac |
Actinium |
227.0278 |
90 |
Th |
Thorium |
232.0381 |
91 |
Pa |
Protactinium |
231.0359 |
92 |
U |
Uranium |
238.029 |
93 |
Np |
Neptunium |
237.0482 |
94 |
Pu |
Plutonium |
(242) |
95 |
Am |
Americium |
(243) |
96 |
Cm |
Curium |
(247) |
97 |
Bk |
Berkelium |
(247) |
98 |
Cf |
Californium |
(251) |
99 |
Es |
Einsteinium |
(252) |
100 |
Fm |
Fermium |
(257) |
101 |
Md |
Mendelevium |
(258) |
102 |
No |
Nobelium |
(250) |
103 |
Lr |
Lawrencium |
(260) |
104 |
Rf |
Rutherfordium |
(261) |
105 |
Db |
Dubnium |
(262) |
106 |
Sg |
Seaborgium |
(263) |
107 |
Bh |
Bohrium |
(262) |
108 |
Hs |
Hassium |
(255) |
109 |
Mt |
Meitnerium |
(256) |
110 |
Ds |
Darmstadtium |
(269) |
111 |
Rg |
Roentgenium |
(272) |
112 |
Cn | Copernicium |
(277) |
113 |
Nh |
Nihonium |
114 |
Fl | Flerovium |
115 |
Mc | Moscovium |
116 |
Lv | Livermorium |
117 |
Ts | Tennessine |
118 |
Og | Oganesson |
It is organized by atomic number. It starts with the element with the lowest atomic number, hydrogen, to the element with the highest atomic number. The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element. They are organized in rows and columns. The horizontal rows from left to right are called 'periods,' and the vertical columns from up to down in the periodic table are called 'groups.'
There are 18 groups in periodic table they are follows:
Groups |
Family |
Group 1 |
lithium family |
Group 2 |
beryllium family |
Group 3 |
scandium family |
Group 4 |
titanium family |
Group 5 |
vanadium family |
Group 6 |
chromium family |
Group 7 |
manganese family |
Group 8 |
iron family |
Group 9 |
cobalt family |
Group 10 |
nickel family |
Group 11 |
copper family |
Group 12 |
zinc family |
Group 13 |
boron family |
Group 14 |
carbon family |
Group 15 |
nitrogen family (pnictogens) |
Group 16 |
oxygen family (chalcogens) |
Group 17 |
fluorine family (halogens) |
Group 18 |
helium family (noble gases) |
The characteristics of the Periodic table are:
- The vertical columns in a periodic table were classified as groups, and the horizontal rows were named as periods.
- The atomic size decreases from left to right in a period in the table.
- The number of V.Es increases from 1 to 8 along the period in the periodic table.
- These properties include color, density, melting point, boiling point, mass, and thermal and electrical conductivity.
- The elements in the same period exhibit similar chemical properties. On the other hand, elements within the same period have a different number of electrons in their valence shells. The number increases from left to right and different valence shell electron configurations. That is why elements in the same period are chemically different from each other.
- Each element contains a different number of protons and neutrons, giving it its atomic number and mass number. The atomic number of any element equals the number of protons the element contains.
- It is mainly used by students, chemists, or scientists who work on substances. It helps them know the properties of each of the elements and how they behave.
The invention of the periodic table has brought a huge change in the world of Chemistry.
In 1869, the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev created the framework of the periodic table. Later it became the modern periodic table. He left gaps for those elements that were yet to be discovered. While arranging the elements according to their atomic weight, he found that they did not fit into the group, so he rearranged them accordingly.