Blood Pressure : Blood Pressure Range and Chart

Published on 05-May-2023

Blood Pressure

The term 'blood pressure is a measure of the force that is used by our heart to pump blood. This blood is transported to the entire body. The force during blood pressure is felt when the blood is pushed against the walls of the blood vessels through which blood is carried around the body.

There are three types of blood pressure one is normal blood pressure, another one is high blood pressure, and the last one is low blood pressure. All of us have normal blood pressure, and sometimes the pressure gets high or low depending on the situation or food consumed. Some other factors like these hamper our blood pressure. We have heard from our elders about the problem of having too high or too low blood pressure because it is now a widespread problem.

Blood Pressure range

Even stressful situations or sudden, shocking facts can lead to an increase in blood pressure. The sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure can cause dizziness, mild strokes, or even death!

 What causes high blood pressure

Blood pressure refers to the force that blood exerts against the walls of the arteries as it circulates through the body. Several factors can cause blood pressure to rise, including:

  1. Genetics: A family history of high blood pressure can increase a person's risk of developing the condition.

  2. Lifestyle factors: Certain lifestyle choices, such as a diet high in salt and saturated fat, physical inactivity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, can contribute to high blood pressure.

  3. Age: Blood pressure tends to increase with age, as blood vessels become less elastic and more resistant to blood flow.

  4. Obesity: Being overweight or obese can increase the risk of high blood pressure, as excess weight puts additional strain on the heart and blood vessels.

  5. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as kidney disease, sleep apnea, and diabetes, can contribute to high blood pressure.

  6. Medications: Some medications, including certain types of birth control pills, decongestants, and pain relievers, can increase blood pressure in some people.

It is important to monitor blood pressure regularly and make lifestyle changes, such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and quitting smoking, to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. In some cases, medication may also be necessary to manage high blood pressure.

Facts about blood pressure 

  1. Even young people can have too high or too low blood pressure
  2. Blood pressure can be connected to dementia. 
  3. Overthinking and stress can cause blood pressure to increase in some cases. 
  4. Good sleep and resting can recover blood pressure

Some ways to lower blood pressure:

  1. By decreasing our body weight with a healthy diet plan. - Exercising regularly for fitness. 
  2. Eating healthy items and avoiding food that contains too much cholesterol and fat. 
  3. By avoiding salt and reducing the number of salt intake. - Avoiding alcohol intake. 
  4. Stop smoking as it harms our body. 
  5. By reducing stress and staying happy. 

Role of Baroreceptors in Controlling Blood Pressure

Baroreceptors were discovered in 1932 by Edgar Douglas Adrian. Role of baroreceptors to control blood pressure Baroreceptors mainly send signals to the brain and send signals to other parts of the body. The blood vessels, kidneys, and the heart control the blood pressure after receiving the signals.

They detect the change in the blood pressure and act the way it would take to decrease or increase the blood pressure. Baroreceptors are located in the blood vessels near the heart. They respond and work very fast to make the blood pressure stable instantly. Baroreceptors hamper vasoconstriction to increase or decrease blood pressure when they are too high or too low.

If they detect low blood pressure inside the aorta, it interferes with the vasoconstriction of blood vessels. It causes an increase in the resistance of the circulation, which increases blood pressure. There are mainly two arterial baroreceptors, one is the aortic baroreceptor, and another is the carotid baroreceptor. 

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