Philosophy is a redundant topic to many. While science is very efficient in proving facts and reasoning behind life, like the 'big bang theory, philosophy, on the other hand, answers the questions of life with more questions.
Academically Philosophy could be summed up as the study of 'everything yet nothing. Centuries ago, Greek philosophers like Aristotle first came up with the idea of Philosophy. They were trying to decipher the reasoning behind how things work the way it works, which included poetry, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, and even astronomy being a part of philosophy. But with time, scholars have carried out experiments and constructive theories that answered nature with reformed logic. The elements that had a consecutive structure of life were thrown under the criteria of science, while Philosophy created its genre of questioning structure and theories. In the 21st century, Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. It's a popular major in the Social Science department offered in many universities. Most students interested in the phenomenon of reality and the human relationship with nature tend to seek 'wisdom' over systematic methodology.
Philosophy is a vast field of materiality incorporated into the natural world. The three major branches of philosophy are- Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Value Theory.
Metaphysics primarily evolves around identity, time, and space. It questions the element of nature and where they originate from. The debate about God, heaven, hell, and supernatural beings all fall under the umbrella of metaphysics, but it doesn't stop there. The study of metaphysics goes beyond just questioning identity. It is a subject matter that transcends what humans know to be true. Metaphysics is a mind-boggling abstract of sensibility that dangles between potentiality in the opposite of actuality.
Epistemology leans or the more logical side of philosophy. At the same time, metaphysics plays around with the contemplation of inevitability. Epistemology, on the other hand, is built on established beliefs. The theory of knowledge contributes to the mind's relation with reality. Epistemology challenges the mastery of comprehension, "what we know" and "how we know that we know" are the few questions that provoke a sense of realism through Epistemology.
Value Theory
Value theory is the last branch of Philosophy. It's ironically the closest approach to a science yet far away from the fundamental answer science abides by. In society, the morals and values of an individual are considered to be the establishing factor that molds one's perception of the world. Philosophy studies the relation of human values with actions. It suggests that human interaction, actions, and future dispositions are all triggered by the values an individual pose to society.
Ultimately Philosophy rotates around the brain. How humans could use typical knowledge and thinking capability to generate ideas and supporting arguments in favor of what they truly believe in is Philosophy.