What is heart failure?

Published on 03-Sep-2022

Heart failure occurs when the heart cannot pump blood to the body needed by the organs to work. It happens when the heart is too weak and stiff to pump the blood for the body and the organs. There are four stages of heart failure: stage A, stage B, stage C, and stage D. Hypertension, valve disease, thyroid illness, renal disease, diabetes, and even cardiac abnormalities found at birth can result in heart failure. Heart failure cannot be cured in most cases. But suitable treatments can keep them alive for some years under proper medication. 

How pacemaker works

A pacemaker works when a person’s heartbeat is too slow and sends an electrical signal to the heart to correct the heartbeat. It is like a small pulse generator that looks like a small metal case.

It contains electronic circuitry with a small computer and also has a battery. It mainly regulates the impulses that are sent to the heart. The life expectancy of a pacemaker can be 5 to 15 years.

Some side effects of a pacemaker can be:

- Blood clotting

- Leakage of air

- Infection due to the pacemaker

Open heart surgery

Open heart surgery is one of the crucial operations. The chest area is being cut to get the heart out of the surgery, and the surgeon will make an incision down the middle of your breastbone. There will be a professional surgeon who will operate on the heart to treat problems with the valves and arteries that are supplying the heart. In this operation, aneurysms in the main vessel leave the heart. It takes about 3 to 5 hours typically for open-heart surgery to get done.

To recover an open-heart surgery:

  • Get cleanly dressed every day.
  • Staying busy with the tasks one enjoys doing
  • Resting
  • Exercising safely and walking

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