The nervous system
The nervous system is where the body's commands and behavior are regulated. The brain sends commands depending on which our body acts or reacts. It also controls our thoughts, feelings, emotions, automatic responses, movements, and behavior that our surroundings receive from us. The nervous system controls even the other processes and body systems (like reproduction, blood circulation, digestion, respiration, excretion, etc.). It shows how important the nervous system is. Medical problems like diseases, toxins, or accidents can harm the nervous system. If the nervous system stops working properly, it can lead to severe problems.
The participation of all our organs, nerves, brain, and spinal cord is called 'nervous coordination .' Due to our body's nervous coordination, we can sense all the changes in our surroundings.
The functions of the nervous system are:
- It controls homeostasis, an internal chemical reaction like body temperature, and many more. It is very important for our survival.
- It helps us learn something and store it as memory in our brains. So, we can remember and recall things we knew or learned earlier. It helps us study for education. Topper students have a better nervous system due to their daily habits.
- Movement of the spinal cord and other parts of the body.
- Engaging with different tasks makes organisms smarter with time and makes it easier for an organism to survive with better choices.
- Behaving the way required in different situations.
- Solving problems of the body and the environment too.
- It helps in gathering information from different situations or important things that are important to remember.
The brain and spinal cord together comprise the Central nervous system, also called CNS in short form. It is what controls our body's actions. The nervous systems involve a lot of neurons of different types that have different structures with different roles in our bodies.
The structure of the nervous system
The two main parts of the nervous system are neurons and neuroglia.
The basic structure of a neuron contains a cell body, nucleus, cytoplasm, dendrite, and axon. These tiny structures help the neuron move, transport information to the brain or the body, and make us act or react according to the situations.