D.N.A. fingerprint
In order to understand D.N.A. fingerprints, it is also necessary to have a little understanding of fingerprints first. Fingerprints generally refer to fingerprints, marks, or marks of human hands. No two people have identical fingerprints (except for cloning and identical twins).
Therefore, fingerprints are kept in the case of land transfer or registry cabin registration, seam registration by biometric method, etc., as they are never the same, so it helps to separate the identities of different people. Differences in the fingerprints of two people are due to differences in genes or D.N.A. (A.T.G.C.). An organism's D.N.A. is cut with restriction enzymes.
The photographic pattern (of said D.N.A.) obtained through gel electrophoresis is called the D.N.A. fingerprint or D.N.A. profile. The D.N.A. fingerprint is specific and unique to each individual. So, in this world, two people will never get the same fingerprints, and there will always be a difference. A pattern of bands on a gel unique to each individual is a D.N.A. fingerprint.
First, the complete D.N.A. of an organism or human is collected and cut with restriction enzymes and then run on a gel layer through gel electrophoresis. As a result, the D.N.A. fragments will accumulate as several aligned bands from progressively larger to smaller.
Special photographic methods know the nature and mutual position of the bands. Such a photographic arrangement or image of the D.N.A. fragments of every organism and human is called a D.N.A. fingerprint or D.N.A. profile.