Preparation of documents: At first windows to be started followed by MicrosoftWord-2007 to open Microsoft-Word-2007 following commands are to be made step by step.
1. Bring Desk Top of windows by operation of computer
2. From Desk Top click start > Programmes Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word 2007. There ord 2007 will be opened. Now the screen of Microsoft Word 2007 will come. Here the necessary writings can be typed. If the Microsoft word 2007 is opened, there new document can be opened.
1. Click office button from quick Access Toolbar. From here put New command.
2. New document dialogue Box will come and there will be black document icon select. From here we put new command.
3. A whole blank new document will appear and a long line will glow on the left side of the screen and an (Cursor) insertion point will be seen. Here Text can be typed as per wish or, we can click on first tool that is new tool with mouse printer. Directly a new blank document will appear.