Force : Definition, Types, Formula and Examples

Published on 09-Dec-2024


When an object gets pushed or pulled, a force acting on it is considered. When objects interact with each other, the push or pull is generated. There are a few terms, such as squeeze or stretch. These can be used to denote force.

Force : Force is an applied pull or push on an object with a mass, and the object's velocity gets changed because of it.

Force is a thing that is able to change the state of a body of motion or rest. Force is a vector quantity; therefore, it has a magnitude along with a direction. Force can be negative when we consider its direction. Using a spring balance, we can measure force. The unit of force is newtons (N). The base unit of force is kg m/s2. We can calculate force by using the equation F = ma, where f is the force, m is the mass of the body, and a is the acceleration of the body.

Effects caused by force

In physics, a body is said to have moved if it is moving. Motion is a change in speed or a change in direction.

Effects of force: The body in rest can be moved when a force is applied. A body in movement can be stopped or slowed down by the application of force. The speed of a moving body can be accelerated when a force is applied. Force can change the shape of a body or its size of it. It can change the direction of the body.

Types of forces

There are mainly two types of forces. One is a contact force the other is a non-contact force. Contact forces are mechanical force, muscular force, or frictional force. The muscular forces of animals, such as bullocks or donkeys, can be used to carry heavy kinds of stuff from one place to another. The frictional force is a kind of force that acts between layers of surfaces that are in contact.

Non-contact forces are gravitational force, electrostatic force, or magnetic force. The type of force that a magnet exerts on other magnets or magnetic materials is called magnetic force. Both electrostatic and magnetic force acts on an object from a certain distance. The force that pulls everything on the earth down towards the center is the gravitational force.

A car of mass of 500 kg is accelerating at 4m/s^2. What is the net force to accelerate the car?

- Putting it into the equation, f = 500 x 4 = 2000N.

A lorry with a mass of 1500 kg is accelerating at 5m/s^2. What is the net force to accelerate the car?

- Putting it into the equation, f = 1500 x 5 = 7500N.

A truck of mass of 700 kg is accelerating at 4m/s^2. What is the net force to accelerate the car?

Putting it into the equation, f = 700 x 4 = 2800N.

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