The process of nomenclature

Published on 29-Jun-2022

In a specific field of science, nomenclature refers to a system of names or words, as well as the rules for forming these terms. The binomial nomenclature system, which was established by Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus in the mid-eighteenth century, is widely accepted and used. For the binomial nomenclature system, the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) defined some basic rules and regulations. The procedure is as follows:

i. A scientific name must be written in Latin or Latinized form.
ii. The scientific name will be divided into two parts: the P' part will indicate the genus, and the second part will indicate the species.
iii. The generic portion must begin with capital letters, while the rest of the text must be written in small letters.
iv. The scientific name should be printed in italics.
v. Both the general and particular parts of the scientific name should be underlined separately when writing it.
vi. At the end of the specific name, an abbreviation of the scientist's first assigning name should be written.
vii. If any scientist disagree about the scientific name of an organism, the first valid name given by the first scientist would be recognized.

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 Tag  # Binomial nomenclature, what is nomenclature in biology, what is an example of nomenclature, types of nomenclature, what is nomenclature in biology class 11, binomial nomenclature examples, rules of binomial nomenclature,

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